What kind of excavator equipment are used in the renewable resources industry

Development is the absolute principle! China has experienced more than half a century of change, economic development has maintained the world’s first growth rate for many years, and now economic development is in a stable growth of normal, after decades of rapid development, overcapacity gradually emerged! In the face of a large number of waste production materials and scrapped vehicles, how to reuse, replace and update functions is a major test of existing recycling technology and equipment, obviously continue to use backward manual technology is slow and can not guarantee safe production, the use of imported processing equipment cost of large later service accessories is a chronic difficulty, so the excavator equipment industry has been developed.

No.1:excavator steel grab: Generally the use of rotary (360°) grab steel, light weight, high wear resistance, rotary device using brake pads braking, thereby greatly improving the rotation of the service life, stability and efficiency, the same level of the largest open width of the practical special large capacity cylinder to increase strength, special imported hydraulic parts oil seal, transmission rotation using gear torque greatly reduce maintenance costs!

No.2:excavator orange peel grab: according to the working characteristics can be customized 4, 5, 6 teeth products, large capacity cylinder to increase the grasping force, can be divided into hydraulic rotary, cross swing, fixed according to the work requirements!

No.3:excavator hydraulic shear: four kinds of replaceable blades, within ten minutes to achieve rapid blade replacement on site, imported pressure valve than the same level of product shear force increased by 20%, through the check valve and strengthen the use of blade, increase superior stability!

No.4: excavator dismantling plier: commonly known as crushing scissors, also called big steel teeth sound very strong, eat all kinds of concrete, unique replaceable teeth design, wear-resistant casting manganese steel more and more hard!

 NO.5:excavator electromagnetic sucker: driven by excavator engine, it is used for semi-permanent design and production of scrap classification and loading and unloading to reduce future maintenance costs!

NO.6:excavator car dismantling machine and clamp arm: Achieve 360 degree rotation, easy to replace the cutting tool, install the speed valve to improve the working speed, combined with the fixed dismantling of the press frame, you can easily bite and cut off any H beam, steel structure, front-end wrong teeth design for accurate operation of pinch extraction, this unique hydraulic fine control at present, only we can reach the design level, greatly saving labor, safety is fully guaranteed!

Post time: Jan-04-2024